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2024-02-26 10:57:25

"Let’s pause here. What would happen if the #NYTimes suddenly hired a #Palestinian filmmaker with no journalistic background, who had recently publicly “liked” posts that called for “pushing Israeli Jews into the sea,” to co-write several of its most sensitive and contested reports?"
2024-02-21 14:15:59

Russian military blogger, who wrote about large Russian army losses in Aviivka, commits suicide amid harassment by Kremlin propagandists:

the capitialist paperclip maximizer recruitment funnel:
It isn't weird that it happens. It's weird how consistently it happens and how consistent the replies are despite coming from unrelated friends. None of them take my actual context into consideration. It's like we've all internalized an Amway recruitment script without realizing it.
2024-03-04 08:45:20

Four separate support contacts with different companies in the last 30 days, 0% success rate on why I had to reach contact in first place.
Why is so difficult these days to actually receive support? It's all crappy bots that repeat like parrots, or humans blindly following a text script.
You have to be extremely careful to not say the wrong word when describing your issue or they'll branch without going back and corner you with the wrong solution for a different problem.<…
2024-02-15 08:30:17

This has been replaced.